Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear Tradehome Shoes..

I realized something about you today, while in your store. I get that women probably make up the majority of your sales dynamic. So, it's very clever on your part to hire only really attractive men as salesmen. Seriously.. not one slacker on the premises.. but honestly.. must they crawl over each other to get a sale?

Yes, I realized I had sandals on today.. yes.. I know it's winter.. and to answer your question about "what if you get stranded somewhere?"....well then I guess I hope one of your handsome bastards come to the rescue, bearing shoes... or I pull a Jack Torrance, at the end of The Shining. Either way..I'm not sure what the big gorgeous beast was thinking when he brought out these AWFUL winter shoe-boots, that I simply MUST try on. And how many ways can I say no, before he fucks off and bugs someone else? I'm really not sure how much clearer I could have made it that I wasn't shopping for shoes for myself.

Thanks though, if I'm ever feeling a bit insecure or need validation..I'll stop by again and try those god awful shoe boots on.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh..and one last thing..

I need to find some decent forums/sites that offer up comments on news stories and the like. I have created a yahoo account for that purpose, but I am quickly tiring of it over there, as no one really engages me..even at my most offensive. I feel as though my acerbic wit is going to waste there.

Not looking to grief, or fight... just a bit of witty banter. So far, yahoo isn't happening. Ideas?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I want to watch Reservoir Dogs. I saw this video the other day on my youtube favorites, and it made me remember how genius it is. It also reminded me, that if by any chance, I should be taken out by the mob.. I want Michael Madsen to do it, complete with Steelers Wheels. Somehow I think that would make the whole experience a little more enjoyable for us all.

So I got to thinking about this.. I have netflix.. my very significant other has netflix, and we watch movies together all the time. I have been trying to convince my very good friend Michael to get netflix, and skype.. so he can join us sometime...then I got to thinking.. what if we put together a small group of like minded geniuses..such as our very good selves.. and watched brilliant things together? That is a good idea.. unfortunately, I know too few people that have the movie acumen, that should be included in such an endeavor. It would be a really good way to get exposed to some movies that ya might not otherwise have seen, or thought of. Discussions afterwards.. The problem would be in picking the right people, that would consistently offer up solid movie choices. I must admit, some of my friends are completely cinematically retarded. That would, unfortunately for them, result in a liberal dose of taunting.

Tarantino would be the BEST person ever to have in the aforementioned group. His movie knowledge is legend.

Goddamn, I have good ideas. I really should have more money for all the genius that I possess.
(sorry about the link.. any of the videos I found didn't allow me to embed them.)

Oh.. one other thing on a completely different note. This is not PC at if anyone stumbles upon this, and is touchy feely leave now..

Can we please get rid of those ads with the kids with cleft palates... PLEASE? Seriously.. I realize it's awful and all that.. I have sympathy, really I do.. but ffs.. I don't wanna see it. Truth is, it doesn't want to make me donate makes me want to leave the area. Hey..maybe that could be the ad angle.. pay us, and we'll take these pictures down. Now, I would pay for that. Unfortunately, it would be replaced with another ad campaign for something equally as unsettling. Not heartless.. just honest. I do genuinely feel bad for those children. I just don't think it's fair to assail an unsuspecting public with those images, all over the damn place.
This could quite possibly be the greatest music video ever made. It's old now..I know.. but, I'm quite sure, I have never seen it's equal.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

*fake enthusiasm sequence engaged*

My God..I have had this blog for ages. I've not done anything with it..well because 1. I have bouts of laziness, and 2. I forgot about it.

I used to keep a blog, years ago. I loved that blog. Some of my best stuffs.. then the site got sold off..they ruined it, and eventually closed. That pissed me off to find that all of my inane ramblings were lost forever. My own fault in the end, that I didn't save it, but I'll still flip a finger to the man.

So I've been tossing this idea about getting another blog going over for a while now. I don't know.. it seems blogging has changed. It's not really anything I kept up with per se, but I've returned to see that most blogs have a purpose now. I don't. I'm not selling shit.. I'm not reviewing something..really I don't know what I even have to say anymore.. but there seems to be a lack of just blogs about the mundane day to day bullshittery that we drudge through. Everyone is too busy on twitter and facebook now, I suppose. All about the micro blogging or whatever douchebag catch phrase of the week, it's being called now. I'm a facebook addict. I'll admit. But I can't see posting anything to extensive on there. I really don't want people that I went to 2nd grade with to read about how I get caught in my own ennui from time to time. The image of me being hugely successful in life and relationships and just being an overall winner would be destroyed. /sarcasm. Meh. Oh.. btw.. to my facebook friends that post things like.. I'm having dinner now.. I'm going to bed now... I just got up now... three words for you... I hate you.

So..about me.. I am a bit of a misanthrope at times. I am passionate about movies, music, photography, art. I have opinions.. and lots of them. I occasionally like to leave sarcastic, awful comments on internet forums, for my own amusement.. I have a twisted sense of humor.. I am addicted to the news... I am a on again/off again insomniac. I teeter between vanity and insecurity. I sometimes say one thing and do another. I am a lover..and a hater all in one complex package. I don't expect others to figure me out, because I'm still working on it. I heart political incorrectness and those who aren't afraid to say what is really on their mind, not what they think people want to hear.

So, enough of the perfunctory introductions. Merely a formality, in the case that someone should stumble upon my genius here.. they know what to expect. Or not.